Creating videos and putting them up online is not enough. Videos are marketing tools, and you need to know how to use them. They won’t magically increase your visitor counts or conversion rates. This guide contains a wide range of tips, guides, and best practices that can help you formulate a better video marketing strategy.
What is This Guide About?
This guide contains everything related to video marketing. We wanted to create an exhaustive, all-in-one resource that can be useful for marketers looking for a new and effective way of growing their brand using videos.
Who Is This Guide For?
If you’ve been paying attention to the importance of video content in today’s digital marketing, this guide is for you.
If you are a marketer looking for a new way to build your brand, this guide is for you.
Did you create videos in the past that flopped? Are you looking to get another shot at video marketing? This guide is for you.
We made The Ultimate Guide to Video Marketing for anyone who is interested in growing their brand through videos. Paying a studio to create a kickass video for you is easy as long as you have the budget, but knowing how to put a kickass video to use is an entirely different challenge.
This guide has all the steps, tips, and best practices that you need to get started with your video marketing campaign and nail it.
Understanding the Basics

Before you start your video marketing plans and invest in video production, it’s essential to understand the basics so you can ensure that you do it all right.
Why Should You Be Using Video in Your Marketing?
Aside from the obvious fact that the demand for video content is higher than ever, there are other technical reasons why you should use videos in your marketing.
Videos Improve Brand Awareness and Conversion Rates
A well-planned and well-executed video marketing strategy will help you gain more exposure. It means that more and more people will recognize your business.
That way, you can increase your conversion rate.
Here are how it works:
Bring Your Company to Front of Mind
A great video can create a strong first impression, bringing your brand to the front of your audience's mind and positioning your product as the go-to.
A video that stands out can help viewers to associate an item with your brands, like how most of us associate cotton swabs and Q-tips.
The reason video is such an effective medium at acquiring top of mind awareness is in large part due to the attention it gets in today's online environment.
A report says the video-on-demand industry is blooming, netting a 15% year-over-year growth in revenue.
Improve Brand Awareness
As a tool in the brand awareness stage of your marketing funnel, videos can be incredibly versatile. There are plenty of routes you can choose with videos, such as how-tos, brand storytelling, documentaries, entertainment, and explainer videos.
As arguably the most demanded and consumed content in 2018, there’s no shortage of platforms where you can put your videos to use.
Increase Sales
Explainer videos are a prominent tool that can be used as promotional content through paid advertising or a more organic route like landing page videos.
According to research by Animoto, 73% of marketers say that using video marketing has helped them increase sales.
Learn more how videos boost sales: Benefits of Video Marketing to Boost your Company’s Sales.
Meanwhile, landing pages are a place where conversion takes place. Therefore, it should be concise and to the point. Having too much text can overwhelm visitors before they even start reading about your products.
Explainer videos can help mitigate the lack of text on your landing page by delivering more information about your products in an even shorter time period.
You can read more about how a landing page video can help your conversion rates in our post: How a Landing Page Video Will Help Your Conversion Rates.
Attention Spans Are Getting Shorter
Do you know that the average human attention span is now eight seconds, less than that of the goldfish with nine?
It means that people can’t keep their focus on long-winded content without being distracted.
Therefore, they always want to consume quick, straightforward information where they can retain messages effortlessly.
And videos are the ideal type of content for them.
Video Is More Engaging
Videos are better at engaging people thanks to their visual element. An increase in engagement can translate to the increased public interest in your product.
The visual in an explainer video can illustrate more relatable and lifelike situations, which can motivate people to start sharing the video or voicing their opinion on the issue.
Video Ads Have Higher Click Through
As if being engaging is not awesome enough, video advertising tends to have a higher click-through rate (1.84%) than other digital advertising formats.
If paid advertising platforms are within your bigger marketing plan, using videos is definitely one of the best choices.
Good for Topics That Are New or Unfamiliar to the Market
By combining both visuals and audio elements, videos can convey even complicated ideas to a broader audience effortlessly— and help them retain the information better.
So, even when a viewer is new to your market and industry, they can understand what your business is all about in a matter of minutes.
Make It Easier to Explain Complex Topics to an Audience
Your company might be launching new, innovative, and groundbreaking products that create a knowledge gap between you and your target market about what those products are about.
The visual cues in a video help to break down a complex subject into smaller bits which are much faster and easier to learn.
That’s the reason why businesses that have complicated messages to deliver (e.g., healthcare businesses, crypto or blockchain, real estate, insurance, etc.) rely on video marketing.
Use Both Visual and Auditory Cues for Explanation
Written product descriptions can be vague and easy to misunderstand. With a product demo video, you can show the physical appearance of a product or a service in action.
Product videos can also give more detailed, easy-to-follow demonstrations in a way that plain texts or static images can not do. To make it clear, take a look at these product demo videos done right from brands: Best Product Demo from Different Industries.
If the product description is not a problem for you, you can use an explainer video.
Not only can an explainer video show that what you’re offering actually works, but it also has more room to provide in-depth information about a product’s features, benefits, and functionalities.
Helps Your Audience to Truly Understand the Topic
Startups and tech companies often come up with innovative and niche products that only a small group of people will find interesting.
In order to reach a niche audience, you need to make sure that you provide the right content and information in your marketing strategy. Video is one of the best tools to use and can convey information almost as accurately as an in-person sales presentation.
Improve Your Search Engine Ranking
Well-optimized videos can do so much more than improving your brand awareness, increase retention, and boost sales.
They can also help you improve your website rank on the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs).
Dwell time, or time on site is an important metric that search engines use to measure the quality of your website. While you can stuff your website with a 10,000-word unscannable article, most of your visitors will find it overwhelming and exit right away.
With videos, you can engage visitors in a fast-paced information transfer that catches and maintains their attention. It also makes your pages easier on the eyes
Additionally, having your videos featured on the SERP can catch people’s attention, and that leads to a higher click-through rate.
Learn more about how videos can higher your rank on SERPs: How Can Video Content Help Your SEO?
The Numbers Say It All
With those reasons mentioned above, it makes sense why more and more businesses jump into the video marketing bandwagon.
But, of course, you might need some data-driven explanations to truly believe what we just said.
That’s why we provide some essential video marketing statistics you need to know to understand more about the field.
- At least 78% of people watch online videos every week and 55% of them watch it every single day
- More than 81% of businesses rely on videos as their essential marketing tool.
- By 2022, the number of videos crossing the internet per second will be close to 1 million.
- Viewers admit that they effectively absorb and remember 95% of a message when they watch it through videos
- 54% of customers demand video content from brands they’re interested in
- 6 out of 10 people prefer watching online videos instead of television.
If you want to dig more in-depth about video marketing statistics, we have created infographics for you:
- 30+ Stats on The State of Video Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]
- Video Marketing Statistics that’s Going to Rock This Year [INFOGRAPHIC]
How to Build Video Marketing Strategy
Just like any other marketing strategy, video marketing campaigns need to be properly planned so they can bring the results you've been dreaming about.
After all, video marketing is not all about creating videos and uploading them to the internet.
There are quite a lot of things, from creative ideation to actual video distribution, that you need to think about in advance so the whole process of the campaign can run smoothly.
Here are some essential steps you shouldn't miss while building a video marketing strategy.
- Understand the audience
- Set measurable campaign goals
- Nail down your messages
- Make sure your video budget makes sense
- Identify your brand personality. This way, you can choose the right types of marketing videos you should create.
Read more about Types of Marketing Videos Business Should Create.
- Learn from expert mistakes so you wouldn't make the same one.
We've asked the experts themselves about the most harmful mistake they've made in their video marketing campaign. You can check it out here: 30+ Marketing Experts Reveal Their Awful Video Marketing Mistakes.
The Equipment You Need: A Quick List
High-quality marketing videos are shot with fancy equipment.
Here is a quick list of video equipment you may need to produce a professional-looking marketing video:
- Location/ Background Settings. You can shoot your videos in a pro studio, especially when you create head-talking videos. For more dynamic environments, you can shoot outside on a location.
- Camera. DSLRs are pretty good options for small businesses since they’re much affordable without sacrificing the quality of videos themselves. You can also use phone cameras for creating rough, scrappy videos.
- Tripod. Tripods allow you to capture a longer exposure and minimize the risk of any unnecessary movement.
- Lighting : Lighting is fundamental to film because it creates a visual mood, atmosphere, and sense of meaning for the viewer. That’s why it’s always better to invest in lighting kits for more professional-looking marketing videos.
- Microphone. The quality of your audio is just as important as the quality of the visual. If you want your viewers to understand what you say clearly, you need an external mic.
- Editing Software. You need editing software or tools to bring all the pieces together and make viewers feel emotionally connected.
For a far-reaching list of video editing and marketing tools that you need, check out this page: The Complete List of Video Marketing Tools.
Of course, you don’t need to break the bank to invest in fancy equipment— especially if you’re a small business or new startup with shoestring budgets. A smartphone camera can even help you shoot stunning marketing videos.
We have a guide for low-budget marketing video production. If you are a small business or startup owner, you might find it helpful:
- How Should Small Businesses Do Video Marketing?
- Reasons How Startup Videos Can Boost Your New Business
Keep Up With the Trends
What makes marketing videos different from corporate videos, is that you need to stay relevant.
When it comes to video marketing strategy, merely producing video after video isn’t enough. You need to also understand the what, the how, and the why of video marketing, which includes knowing about the current video trends.
In other words, planning for a winning video marketing campaign also requires agility to keep up with the latest trends.
That’s how you can stay a step ahead of your competitors.
No matter how brilliant your marketing videos are, if you can’t stay up to date with the latest trends in the video marketing field, you’ll get left behind.
Remember, video marketing is such a fast-paced field. The trends come and go as technology and digital habits constantly evolve.
If you’re looking to get up to speed on the top video trends, check out Top Video Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2025 and Beyond.
Grab a Checklist
Checklists are just great and handy, aren’t they? They make sure you never skip a step, from the video production to the performance monitoring.
That’s how you stay on track with your video marketing strategy.
Video marketing checklists are comprised of various elements. You need to remember that they appear for each business depending on the goals, needs, target audience, etc.
However, while your video marketing strategy may differ from your competitors, some essential elements remain the same.
Here is the complete video marketing checklist that we’ve created for you: The Complete Video Marketing Checklist for Businesses.
Use the checklist to monitor the essential elements that you should be considered when developing a winning video marketing strategy.
Create High-Performing Videos

After understanding all the basics, now you’re ready to create your own marketing videos. Remember, creating videos is not a set-in-stone process. It requires out-of-the-box ideas every step of the way. You’ll also need to make sure that you execute those ideas to engage with the right audience in mind.
Where to Start?
Videos are, basically, a tool or medium to visualize your ideas. So, the idea itself is fundamental for the video you’re about to create.
After you come up with an idea then you should execute them. And this is where the production begins.
Coming up with an Idea
Exploring ideas for a video marketing campaign can be challenging. This is where your understanding of who your audience is comes into play.
When you have a clearly defined audience, the scope of your video marketing campaign becomes smaller, and therefore, more effective.
The ideal situation is that your audience faces a real problem, and you let them know how your products (and by extension, your brand) can solve it.
Once the ideas are formulated, you need to either start shooting the video or hire a studio/graphic designer to create it. But that’s another story– let’s talk about marketing.
There are various platforms to choose from when it comes to video marketing. Depending on your audience, you might need to go big on one platform or go small on many platforms. Again, understanding your audience is really important.
You’ll Want to Make Sure to Engage Your Audience
A good marketing video is not one that has 4K resolution, but it's that engages the viewer— helping them to retain the information effortlessly.
One thing to bear in mind is that the more engaged your audience in your video content, the more likely they are to take action.
You Only Have a Few Seconds to Capture Their Attention
We've mentioned slightly before, human attention spans are only getting shorter each year.
So, you need to start your video with a strong opening. It doesn’t have to be an over-the-top and exaggerated sentence like in commercials. A relatable situation might be a strong enough hook to get viewers’ attention.
Once you get their attention, make sure that your video does not drag on for too long. Shorter videos are ideal– they get your point across quickly, and tend to have higher viewer engagement statistics.
Creating a View Magnet for Your Videos
You also need to make sure to attract people to click on your videos so they can learn more about the product or service that you are offering.
Audience retention rate and view counts are just vanity metrics– they don’t mean anything unless viewers actually take action and engage with your video.
In this case, you should remember that engaging marketing videos have great features (thumbnails, titles, narratives, etc.) that tempt viewers to click on them right away.
Create an Eye-catching Thumbnail
A thumbnail is the ‘cover’ of your video – and you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but people surely judge a video by its thumbnail.
It’s important that you pick an interesting frame of your video as the thumbnail, or better yet, customize your thumbnail to be more inviting.
You can utilize online thumbnail makers like Canva to design your thumbnail consistently and effortlessly.
Write an Enticing Title
The title is just as important as the thumbnail, they’re the dynamic duo that can reap a ton of views for your videos.
However, don’t rely only on an enticing title and thumbnail. You need to make sure that your video has even more enticing content. Remember why you started doing video marketing.
Use an Intriguing Narrative
If you’re including dialogue or a voiceover in the video, spending a bit more of your resources on the voice actor and scriptwriting is not a bad idea.
Nothing turns people from an otherwise great video more than a squeaky voice actor.
We go into more detail on attention-grabbing in videos here: Beginner’s Guide to Using Videos as Attention Grabbers Content.
Showcase and Strengthen Your Brand Personality
Video allows you to use visuals, color schemes, tone, pace, and format that show your brand's personality.
By showcasing your personality, you can stand out from your competition. It makes sure your video isn’t like your competitors’.
Introduce Yourself and Your Product in a More Relatable Way
Video is a great tool to build brand personality as well. You can create a character to ‘personalize’ your brand – personifying your brand completely to how it would behave and talk if it were a person.
Create an Emotional Connection with Your Audience
When done correctly, a video can be a great way to create an emotional bond with your audience. It helps the audience identify with the characters on an emotional level.
Just take for example Wendy's. This world-famous fast-food chain is very well known not only for its fresh beef but also its hilarious, sarcastic marketing style.
Take a look at how they showcase their personality in their marketing video that gives us such a nostalgic feeling below:
Tell Captivating Brand Stories
Videos provide you with storytelling methods, much like videographics. Through intriguing narrative, you need to tie every element in a video together to build a captivating story.
Here are some tips to tell your brand story through videos:
- Add humor to make content more friendly and approachable
- Keep things short and snappy
- Show, don't tell
- Tell one story at a time
- Don't make it all about yourself -- put yourself in viewers' shoes
- Create stories that have a beginning, middle, and end
To learn more about how to captivate the viewer with your video storytelling, check out this article: How Do You Tell Captivating Stories About Your Business?
Give Them What They Want
When you create marketing videos, make sure you make it all about your viewer or target customer— they are the ones that consume your content. Don’t talk about yourself way too much.
Here are some quick tips to create marketing videos that your target customers love:
What Makes Them Tick?
In order to get through to your audience effectively, you need to know what triggers their engagement. What are they browsing lately? What accounts do they follow?
What Are Their Main Problems and Concerns?
One of the best ways to trigger engagement in your audience is relating to their daily problems.
The ideal situation, in this case, is that your audience has problems and concerns that can be solved by using your product or services.
Tailor Your Video to Your Audience
Once you know what they like and what their problems are, you need to direct your video in a way that suits their preference.
Choosing the right filming and visual styles for your audience can be influential in the outcome.
Show Them How You Can Solve Their Problems
The ultimate goal of knowing your audience is to be able to offer your solution to them. It’s crucial to put yourself in their shoes. Ask yourself, “how can I find this product useful and make my days better?”
If the majority of your audience isn’t having problems that your product can solve, you should double-check if you have the correct target market.
Video Editing Essential Tips

The editing process is crucial for your video’s quality. This is where you should blend those images and sounds to make viewers feel emotionally connected and sometimes truly there in the video they’re watching. Find out how you should edit your videos so your messages can be delivered effectively.
Choose the Right Software
First of all, you will need video editing software. You can say that they’re the key where all the content you have comes together in a meaningful way. This is where you bring together disparate clips into a cohesive, intriguing story.
We’ve included the link for a complete list of video editing at the beginning of this post. From iMovie to After Effects, there are a bunch of video editing software available out there. And it’s only getting more and more challenging to choose the right one for your video production.
Here are some pro tips you may need to consider when choosing video editing software:
- It performs standard video edits (e.g., cuts, trims, merges, and more)
- The cost matches your business budgets
- Have usability, a digital interface, and features that match your needs and preferences
One last piece of advice: instead of using the latest, feature-packed video editing tools, choose ones that work for you and your editing style.
Reviewing all Footage and Audio
During filming, you might miss some details on certain shots because of how fast-paced a film set is. And in the editing process, you can look over everything you shot during the shoot.
It’s always better to carefully review all the content that you have to work with so that you can formulate a way to put it all together. Only use footage that can bring your viewers values.
If you can't film certain or specific footage, you can use stock footage provided by stock video sites, such as:
- Storyblocks
- Videvo
- Adobe Stock
- Shutterstock
- iStock.
However, remember to learn about the video licensing before you use any footage from the sites above to make sure you are free from copyright issues. We’ve talked about video licensing in this article: Everything You Need to Know About Video Licensing on the Internet.
Create an Efficient Workflow
A professional video editor does not only transform footage into a compelling story. They also maintain to be systematic and organized in the whole process.
Creating an efficient workflow can help you focus, so you can work faster but more efficiently. In this case, you need to:
- Create a comfortable workspace
- Organize your projects and files in folders
- Use fast computer
- Leverage cloud storage or an external hard drive to store your files, so it doesn’t eat up your computer’s internal storage space
- Allocate RAM
- Learn keyboard shortcuts
Add Background Music and Sound Effects
We’ve mentioned it before, but it’s worth repeating: the audio elements in a video are just as important as the visuals.
You’ll need background music and sound effects to emphasize or express a particular emotion, humor, or realism and help viewers emotionally connect to what you show in the visual. It makes them feel something.
Not to mention that today’s viewers always want a professional marketing video that flows well and is well-constructed. In this case, both background music and sound effects can also boost the production value and cohesiveness of your video— which makes it worth watching.
Take a look at this marketing video from Spotify:
Spotify took the upbeat route with the jazzy background music. Since it’s a product launch video, loud and upbeat is such a great option since it can bring excitement.
Before you even think of using just any background music and sound effects, remember that the safest option is to get those audio elements from royalty-free music sites.
Learn more about the importance of background music and sound effects for your videos: What Are Those Sound Effects That Get Your Videos Noticed?
Include Texts and Graphics
You may need to add texts and graphics to your videos. For example, explaining complex concepts while conveying your brand, writing headlines, showing data, and more.
Texts will help viewers understand the video better since it emphasizes main points that need to be remembered or retained.
Meanwhile, graphics or animation can illustrate anything in a way real cameras and film crew can not.
That said, both texts and graphics should be kept simple so the viewer won’t get distracted easily.
You also need to make sure that they both do a great job in helping viewers understand your messages better.
Mind the Length of Your Video
The optimal duration for your videos is really dependent on what platform you are running your campaigns on. Here are some recent findings on the optimal length for videos on social media:
- The sweet spot for a YouTube video is 1-2 minutes with up to 77% retention.
- HubSpot found out that videos on Instagram that received the most comment are, on average, 26 seconds long.
- #VideoOfTheDay on Twitter averages at 43 seconds.
- A Facebook audience engages most with 1-minute or shorter videos.
If there’s one thing that we can conclude from the statistics above, it’s that people engage more with snappy content that they can watch without disrupting too much of their time.
Those are some essential tips you need to know while editing your marketing videos. For a more in-depth video editing guide, you check this one out: Essential Video Editing Tips Every Beginner Should Know.
Video Distribution Strategy

The videos you create are merely tools, they’re not going to magically bring in results. This section talks exclusively about different ways you can amplify the reach and results of your videos to generate maximum return on investment (ROI).
Which Platforms to Use to Promote Your Video
Video marketing strategy is so much more than creating videos and making sure you include all messages you want to deliver.
No matter how brilliant your marketing videos are, if no one watches them, it will not get you anywhere.
Oh, no. All those efforts in the video production for nothing?!
Therefore, it’s crucial to consider choosing the right platforms so your videos can get the exposure it deserves.
Below are some ideal platforms you can use to host your marketing videos.
Your website is the must-use platform for your marketing videos. Do you know that a website is 53 times more likely to reach the front page of Google if it includes video?
You can add videos on potential pages like the homepage, landing pages, product pages, the FAQ page. In this case, you should understand the type and purpose of your videos in the first place.
For instance, if you create a customer testimonial video to generate more trust and increase conversions, landing pages are ideal places to host it.
Meanwhile, when you have an explainer video to give visitors a solid insight into what your business is all about, then the home page is a good fit for it.
Another thing that should be put into consideration here is whether you set the video on autoplay or not. Read more about the autoplay video here: How Will Autoplay Video Help Your Site?
And if you want to learn more in-depth about website-friendly marketing videos, we also have the guide for you: Understanding the Web Video Production Process: A Comprehensive Guide to Get Reliable Results.
Social Media
For a better video exposure, you have to go beyond your website.
In this case, social media are the most-used platforms to promote your videos outside your own website.
Moreover, if you create vertical videos that have better conversion rates.
With more than 4.4 billion active users worldwide, social media can provide toys with a wide range of results that you can achieve from brand awareness all the way to conversion.
With the massive numbers of users, it only makes sense that 91% of retail brands are actively using two or more social media platforms as marketing and PR channels.
That said, choosing the right social media platforms is a must. After all, no social media is created the same.
Your videos might do well on LinkedIn, but when you host them on Facebook, there could be no valuable impactful results like you’ve been dreaming of.
We’ve broken down some popular social media platforms that you can use to host your marketing videos— as well as the video guidelines for each of them. Check out: Social Media Videos [Infographic].
Video-Hosting Sites
When we talk about video hosting sites, YouTube is probably the first thing that comes to your mind.
In fact, there are other video-hosting sites that can help you share your videos and catch even more eyeballs. Some of them are even designed specifically for marketing purposes, which means you can optimize your videos for target customers.
Below are some popular video-hosting sites you can consider using for promoting your marketing videos outside YouTube and your own websites:
- Vidyard
- Brightcove
- Wistia
- SproutSocial
- Loom
Most of those platforms mentioned above allow you to add your own CTAs, target specific audiences, in-depth analytics, customers’ latest trends and behavior, and more.
When it comes to email marketing, you might be skeptical if videos can actually work. However, research shows that including the word “video” in the subject line of an email can increase conversions by 20%.
However, embedding videos in an email can be quite troublesome. Most email clients don’t support in-app video playback. The best workaround would be replacing the video with a short animated GIF.
But there are times when videos are just necessary for the immersiveness of your emails. While we’re on the subject, let’s discuss how you can embed videos in your emails and whether it’s worth the effort.
How to Embed a Video Into an Email
Embedding a video in an email can impact a user’s experience either negatively or positively. Either way, there are various factors to consider before you decide whether it’s good to embed videos in your email campaigns.
We’ve written a guide with some of our top tips and some info to help you troubleshoot the process here: Things to Consider Before Embedding Video in Emails.
Google AdWords
Promoting your videos to gain maximum exposure using organic, traditional ways (like those platforms we just talked about) may take time and patience for you to see visible results.
If you want to see more visible results in a short period of time, you can invest in paid video advertising like Google AdWords.
Understanding the Google Adwords System
Unlike a traditional AdWords campaign, with AdWords for video, you can use demographic targeting to promote your videos to those who are really interested in.
AdWords for video enables you to display video ads in the YouTube search results or before, during, and after videos on YouTube and the Google Display Network.
There are two types of goals in Google AdWords for video:
- Brand Awareness and Reach: choosing this means that your campaign can reach a great number of people for a small amount of money, but it won’t appear in search results and the targeting is less accurate.
- Product and Brand Consideration: This goal makes your ad appear in search results. Great for promoting a product to potential consumers.
Choosing the Best Keywords
Once you’ve set your AdWords campaign, you will need to add Google Ads keywords, a crucial factor in ads’ ability to capture audiences’ interest and create impact.
When we’re talking about Google Ads keywords, we’re talking about the words and phrases that your target audiences most likely use to find your videos.
There are several things to keep in mind when choosing the keywords for your Adwords campaign:
- Volume
- Competition
- Keyword Difficulty
- Cost Per Click
- Location
Setting up an Adwords for Video Campaign
Tweaking the options in Adwords is arguably half the fun of using the tool. Here are some options to pay attention to:
This option lets you choose where your ad will appear: in the middle of a video, or in a search result.
Video Discovery Ads
Video discovery ads are an ad type that appears in multiple places throughout YouTube. They consist of a thumbnail image from your video with some text
We’ve written another article with actionable tips to help optimize your AdWords video campaign. We’d recommend checking it out for more info on setting up the ideal AdWords video campaign.
How to Make It Converts?

A well-crafted marketing video not only will attract more eyeballs but will also increase your conversion rate. Here are some things to do to make sure you create high-converting videos.
Insert a Lead Capture Form
Videos can be such a powerful lead-gen tool if you optimize them. You can add a lead capture form to let viewers submit their personal information in exchange for full content.
In other words, if you gate your videos, only those who submit their email address and names can see, download, or share the content.
By generating more leads, you have higher chances to turn those leads into paying customers. After all, today’s leads can be your tomorrow’s customers, right?
Use Marketing Automation
Today’s marketers invest in marketing automation like Marketo and HubSpot to eliminate mundane, repetitive tasks and create a more effective video marketing campaign.
Marketing automation also provides solid in-depth data of your viewers.
In this case, you can say that by leveraging marketing automation, you can build lists, score leads, boost conversion rates based on video viewership data.
When you have insightful viewership data, it would be much easier for you to segment your audiences to send out targeted content and push leads down the marketing funnel.
Add Clickable Links
Call-to-actions are those magic copies and buttons that your viewers click if they’re ready to convert. And good CTAs include clickable links to guide a viewer to take the next step.
If you upload your marketing videos on platforms like YouTube, you can include clickable links directly in videos as cards or your video end screens.
You can also include clickable links in the video descriptions directly below the video and include a link in your video comments.
It’s always better to add your landing page links since your aim is to increase conversions.
Adding clickable links is extremely important, especially when you create a video for crowdfunding.
You can use the CTA to ask viewers to support your campaign by contributing funding on a crowdfunding platform, buying merchandise, visiting the official website, etc.
The CTA should align perfectly with the goal of the crowdfunding video, strengthening the impact of the content Learn more about crowdfunding videos: Crowdfunding Videos: 4 Ways They Will Help Your Campaign.
Choose the Right Platforms
There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to video-sharing platforms. It means no platform is created the same and suitable for all businesses.
At the end of the day, it all depends upon your company's needs, budget, and required functionality.
When searching for the best and most reliable video marketing platforms, consider the following characteristics and features:
- The platform interface and functionality
- Monetization
- Live streaming capability
- Cost
- Quality and depth of analytics
- Storage and bandwidth limits
- User-friendliness
It’s also crucial to upload your videos to a platform where your target customers spend their time most.
When you offer the video to people that really care about it, it means that you have higher chances to convert them into customers, right?
Also, you need to bear in mind that the best video-sharing platform for your company gives you control over how and where viewers see your videos.
Optimize Video Type
Optimizing the technical aspects of your video should always be on your to-do list before uploading. Since search engines can’t quite “read” a video yet, they use its technical aspects to define the content.
In other words, optimization is the key to a better ranking on SERPs. Well-optimized videos will make your website more visible online.
The more people find your website, the more traffic you will get. It also means the more opportunities you have to increase your conversion rates.
Here’s a quick list of what you can do:
- Use keyword-based title
- Add a video description and add the keyword to it
- Include some relevant video tags
- Say your target keyword in your video
- Enable transcript
- Upload subtitles
- Make it mobile-friendly
- Create an eye-catching, customized thumbnail
If your video’s title, tags, and description are inconsistent, search engines might have trouble crawling it for the right search queries, and it will tank. The title and thumbnail can help with the click-through rate of your videos.
It doesn’t matter what type of video you create, it’s always best to optimize it. Whether it’s product videos for your e-commerce site, explainer videos on your homepage, or home tour videos for real estate agencies, it’s important to spend extra effort to make them SEO-friendly.
Learn more: Reasons Why You Should Optimize Your Product Videos
There you have it. There were five actionable ways to increase your conversion rates using marketing videos.
If you want a full guide on this chapter, you can check it out here: Create Audience Engagement to Get More Conversions With Videos.
Video ROI Measurement

As with any other successful marketing strategy, you need to pay close attention to the return on investment (ROI) of video marketing in order to underline its overall value to the business. We have the tips for measuring your video ROI for you.
Why Is It Important?
Understanding your video’s analytics will help you make informed decisions about what to do with your video content.
Well, if you’re serious about using video to improve your marketing, you’ll want to track your results to understand which videos are working and which ones aren’t, right?
In other words, measuring video marketing ROI helps you to get insightful data of your video performance so you can have a solid understanding of how they’re bringing results.
You can then use this data to tweak your video for the better thereby boosting its performance and constantly improving its ROI.
Essential Metrics You Should Keep an Eye On
Measuring your video marketing performance might sound intimidating and too technical for some of us.
After all, it’s so much more than scribbling down your overall view count and calling it a day.
Savvy marketers take an extra effort when analyzing video ROI so they can get a more holistic, in-depth idea of the performance.
To help you gain a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the ROI of video marketing, we’ve listed some essential metrics you should pay close attention to to measure the success of your video marketing campaigns.
View Count
Views are not everything. But, it can be useful to know how many people have watched your videos for any length of time.
It helps you get solid insights on how your messages are spreading and how many eyeballs you’ve caught.
Engagement rates show you how viewers interact with your videos; watching the video all the way through, commenting, liking, etc.
If your video receives a million views but is only watched for three seconds, this tells you that something is wrong with how your messages are translated to viewers.
Conversion Rates
A conversion is any time a user you’re marketing to takes the desired action.
If someone takes action, such as purchasing your products, joining your email list, downloading your ebook, then you have achieved your goals.
Social Sharing
Social sharing is a good measure of how your video content is to your target audience.
When a person decides to share your video with others, it generally means that they love it and want others to love it too. This, in turn, will lead to greater awareness of your brand.
Look how viewers react and comment on your videos.
Those feedback from them can help you adjust your video strategy (if you need to), create more relevant content, and keep up with the latest trends.
Learn More: 35+ Experts Reveal the Most Important Video Marketing Metrics
It All Depends on Your Goals
Video marketing is unique in its difficulty to prove its worth.
Let’s say you create the perfect video and it’s going viral -- watched a million times. But, it drives zero sales, meaning that people only watch and don’t buy.
Can you count that as a success?
That ultimately depends on your video goal.
If your goal is to build more awareness, you’ve achieved your ultimate goal. But, if you want to generate leads, then you haven’t.
The key to actually knowing if your video is successful is meticulously tracking the metrics that signal your brand's progress toward those goals.
Below is an infographic from Google that breaks down common video marketing goals with the relevant metrics you can track:
You can learn more about measuring video ROI even more in-depth in this article Measuring Video Marketing ROI: 5 Crucial Metrics You Need to Track.
Case Studies
Creating a brilliant marketing video is one thing. Making it viral is another. We’ll look at some of the most sensational viral video campaigns from brands and see what the secret sauce to their success might be.
Case Study #1— Dollar Shave Club
If you’ve been on the internet for a while, you must probably have seen this iconic video. This supernova-viral marketing video only took one day to shoot and cost around USD$4,500.
Despite the low-cost and effortless shoot, the video paved the way for its quick success. It got more than 4.75 million views in three months after it was uploaded.
It also generated 12,000 new orders within 48 hours. Not to mention it was acquired for $1 billion by Unilever.
So, why does the video work? What makes it special?
As you might already notice, the video took quite a boring topic (well, what else can you say about razor blades besides for shaving?) and made it worth sharing with a friend by using silly internet jokes and witty sarcastic narratives.
The video doesn’t even look like a marketing video. It looks like a video of an old friend who knows you too well and just wants to recommend you a great razor blade in the most honest way possible.
They successfully showcase their unique selling points with distinct humor, culture, and lifestyle(have you seen the title?).
What can you learn?
- Offering real solutions with simple yet powerful value propositions
- Create a unique customer experience
- Use tone and language that matches your target customers
- Don’t be afraid to take a stab of humor and have some fun
Case Study #2— Range Rover
Range Rover made this viral marketing video back in 2017. They set up a massive speed bump and capture real-life the reactions of real-life drivers and motorists who encountered the bump.
No cars can get through the speed bump. Then, a Range Rover came to the scene like a boss and showed the people there how it’s done.
You can say that this video looks more like a social experiment instead of a marketing video promoting their car. It’s fun to watch and engaging.
No promotional sentences are spoken in the video. It just simply showed the solution to the problem. It gives the viewers an idea of why they should get the car and who the car is best for. Simple, not hard-selling, but convincing.
What can you learn?
- Show, don’t tell
- Use storytelling method where you start with a suspend and maintain the suspense through to the end
- Define your target customers by showing them specific solutions
- Be straightforward and to-the-point with your brand messages
Case Study #3— Poo Pourri
This one brand was successful in turning quite awkward subjects into something worth sharing.
Let's be honest. Toilet sprays or deodorizer products can be quite tricky to promote. Some of us don’t even want to talk about bathroom smells.
But, Poo Pourri nailed their marketing videos by bringing on a bunch of toilet humor.
The video shows us that when you’re selling a product relating to a taboo subject it certainly helps to have a sense of humor.
The brand makes the video extremely relatable for its audiences. They know the pain points and show them how the product can save their days.
It's funny and doesn't even look like a commercial. So, it should come as no surprise that after its initial release, ‘Girls Don’t Poop’ boosted Poo-Pourri’s web traffic by 13,000%!
What can you learn?
- Don't take yourself too seriously, make videos that are shareable by having fun while being genuine
- Think of the ad not solely as an ad, but as a creative work of entertainment designed to earn views and shares on social media
- Find a brand voice to make your videos recognizable. Therefore, you can be unique and create top-in-mind awareness
- Highlights your target customers pain points
For more in-depth tips for creating viral videos, check out: How to Make a Video Go Viral: 5 Tips for Brand Exposure.
What’s more important than planning your video marketing is keeping it going. Marketing is not something that you do and forget.
The result of video marketing is a long-term result. You need to plan everything ahead, from where you want to publish a video to the plan for seasonal campaigns.
If you need more in-depth sources about video marketing strategy— tips, best practices, case studies, you can sign up for our email course: Video Marketing Email Course. Of course, it’s FREE!