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How to Earn Loyal Subscribers on YouTube for Your Business

Updated March 20, 2025
How to Earn Loyal Subscribers on YouTube for Your Business

YouTube is a great marketing platform, but to be successful you need subscribers to join your channel, so how can you start?

This article will provide you with practical tips on how to get YouTube subscribers.

YouTube is the most popular video-sharing social media platform and has one billion visitors each month — a number that is likely to grow.

According to Cisco’s recent research in 2021, 82% of all internet traffic will be coming from video.

YouTube is also the second-largest search engine after Google since you can find practically any kind of video there. Among its other achievements YouTube can boast that:

  • Easily three billion search queries are submitted every month.
  • As of 2017, 50% of all Internet users are active on YouTube.
  • 100 hours of video content is uploaded every minute.
  • 6 billion hours of video are watched every month.

These facts alone make YouTube one of the most vital marketing platforms for your business. You can link your channel to your website, and vice versa, which will make multi-channel marketing even easier. Let’s dive into what you’re here for.

How to Get YouTube Subscribers

There are many nifty tips and tricks that you can do to make your channel more appealing to subscribe to, but what we’re going to talk about here is how to get YouTube subscribers the organic way.

The main point of having subscribers is to have a constantly growing audience — it’s like having an email list, but for video content.

Subscribers are more important than views if you are aiming for the long run. Views are great for monetization, but not for brand-building.

This article will hopefully give you an insight into how to grow your YouTube subscribers.

1. Upload Consistently And Constantly

A lot of people think that all you need to do is create an account and start posting interesting videos without thinking too much. However, if you want to be successful on YouTube, you need to create a consistent and constant content strategy.

Moreover, there’s a YouTube short right now. You can upload your short eye-catching micro videos.

Stability is a sign of any big YouTube channel. You have to create well-scheduled content planning. Upload regularly and stick with the same style or genre of videos.

Here’s the thing: at first, you’ll feel disappointed that your YouTube video hasn’t been successful overnight.

But even the big brands have to post multiple videos. The more videos you produce, the more views you have for your brand and views are necessary to get YouTube subscribers.

For instance, one of Volkswagen’s latest video campaigns utilized a story over three videos, which saw them achieve 155 million views.

This is the real deal. So, please, keep on working and before you know it results will come!

2. Be Remarkable

With over 100 hours of video uploaded every minute, you need a way for your content to be distinguishable enough to get viewers to click it, and it has to be remarkable.

Distinctiveness and uniqueness count in developing a name for yourself. Content that is too simple will not get much recognition. This also includes intriguing titles and thumbnails.

A channel that has a consistent video style, and is really good at it, is a channel handled by someone who knows how to get YouTube subscribers.

You need to deliver content that explains your best-kept secrets and most effective strategies. This is the information your competitors won’t be able to share.

3. Share Useful and Valuable Information

Customers want more bang for their hard-earned bucks. Today they are looking for information they can use to improve their lifestyle or to fix problems.

You don’t have to make long videos to share information, for example, with an explainer video, you can squeeze a great deal of information into less than 60 seconds.

Ensure your content follows this golden rule to earn your audience’s trust so that when they bump into a problem that they can’t solve, they’ll come to you.

4. Ask Viewers to Subscribe

YouTube views mean nothing if you don’t have any subscribers in the longer run. At the end of the video, simply thank the viewer, and ask them to subscribe.

Most YouTube users find channels that talk to them directly more interesting. Guide them to do so by doing it in this order:

One: Tell them what to do i.e:  “subscribe to our channel”.

Two: Tell them how to do it, i.e. “by clicking on the button above”.

Three: Tell them what they’ll get, i.e. “to stay informed of the top video marketing practices and achieve a higher conversion rate”.

5. Suggest Other Videos with Similar Topics

Suggested videos are the messages that appear at the corner of a video as it is playing.

While some YouTube marketers seem to overuse these, a few well-placed suggestions will help viewers to explore your other videos with similar topics and eventually convince some to take action (in this case, subscribing).

This process is very similar to inserting internal links to an article: you direct them to a new page that you’ve made as you are mentioning a certain topic. Take a look at this example:

suggested videos YouTube

In addition to being a useful tool for viewers to navigate through your videos, this tool will also expose your expertise in specific topics.

You can sprinkle these throughout your videos to cover as many topics as possible.

When someone finds that your channel has many videos that they like, they’ll share it — which is why suggested videos are a prime way to get YouTube subscribers.

6. Add A YouTube Widget To Your Site

If you’re new to the YouTube world, chances are your website has more of an audience. Blogs and YouTube channels are pretty similar in the sense that they both depend on a good title, proper usage of keywords, user engagement, etc.

If you run a blog with a considerable audience, another way to get YouTube subscribers is by embedding a YouTube subscribe button over there.

However, unlike your blog, 70% of YouTube traffic will not return unless you have them subscribed to something. While most content creators advocate a mailing list, you can also offer them the chance to subscribe to your YouTube channel.

Widgets are one of those tools that achieve a better result because they are less obtrusive (no emails pinging into their inbox).

At the same time, your YouTube videos will be generally less sales-y. You can even opt to earn extra money from YouTube ads.

7. Cover the Latest Topics to get Your Video Trending

The ‘Trending’ tab on YouTube is an ever-changing hall of fame for creators. Reaching this page will certainly give your channel great exposure and therefore more subscribers.

There are no best practices to reach the Trending tab.

But there are several characteristics of trending videos from creators. Here are some of them:

  • Use clickbait thumbnails for your YouTube videos.
  • Create a title that raises curiosity.
  • Make a list of very specific things on a popular topic, i.e: “10 Things Successful CEOs do Everyday Before Bed”.
  • Cover the latest trend.
  • Be Controversial (not suggested).

In addition to Trending pages, you can team up with other channels to be each other’s featured channels. Ask them to place you on their ‘Featured Channels’ and you’ll gain momentum from their audience.

The more traffic you gain, the more subscribers you are likely to have signed up for your channel.

8. Interact With Your Community

You’ll see better results when you interact with the YouTube community. There are three ways that you can create meaningful interactions:

  • Ask questions, like which topics they want to see covered in the next video. This will help you turn things around if you’re doing poorly and improve things that you’re doing well.
  • Watch and comment on videos from other channels in a similar niche.
  • Interact with comments on your videos properly. Use YouTube’s comment management dashboard to make things easier.
  • Learn how to post a message to your YouTube subscribers using the feed update feature.

You can amplify your interaction through other social media like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. If they take the effort to be one of your followers on one of these platforms, chances are they already like your content.

So, keep them around. Their support will take you a long way.

9. Offer Something in Return

Everybody likes to receive something, so give your viewers a reason to subscribe or promote you. The most popular way to return the favor to your subscribers is by doing a giveaway.

In addition, to being your viewers’ source of entertainment, making an additional investment like personalizing the giveaway prize helps a lot in growing your name.

Some YouTubers are even willing to do something very bold like: “When we have 500 subscribers our managing director will shave their head on YouTube.”

This will intrigue audiences and they will want you to reach that target. It means an increased subscriber count. This kind of strategy is also known as gamification.

Retaining YouTube Subscribers: Make Them Stay and Stick Around

More than 50 million content creators on the platform are fighting tooth and nail to engage their subscribers, making them stick around.

After all, building a successful YouTube channel is not all about gaining new subscribers but also reclaiming and retaining them too.

And one of the common ways to do it is by sending them messages.

YouTube made some changes since 2019 by announcing the bell button, just beside the subscribe button. This button allows subscribers to choose whether they want to get all, none, or personalized notifications.

With this new kind of personalized experience, older YouTube channels that already have a lot of subscribers that never pressed this bell button get fewer views from their older subscribers.

This means they have to compete for attention as well as educate their subscribers to press the bell button.

If you’re a YouTube content creator yourself and looking for an effective way to reclaim your subscribers’ attention, this article will show you the ropes.

Send Mass Message Using Browser Extension

First thing first, here’s the fact you should be mindful of: YouTube doesn’t allow content creators to send mass messages to all subscribers at once on the platform.

That’s to say; YouTube doesn’t have a feature to send out mass messages to all your subscribers on the platform.

However, there are a bunch of browser extensions that claim to help you broadcast a message to everyone on your subscriber list or send push notifications. Here are some of them:

  1. YouTube Messenger
  2. YouTube Checker (for push notifications)
  3. PushEngage (for push notifications)

In the case of the YouTube Messager extension, you can send mass messages just like the following steps below:

  • Add the YouTube Messager in Chrome Web Store.

Youtube Messenger Chrome Extension

  • Once the extension is successfully added, there will be an icon on the right corner of your screen.

Youtube Messenger Installed

  • Click on your profile picture and go to Creator Studio. Go ahead to Community, then Subscribers.
  • Next, you can click on the YouTube Messenger icon.

Youtube Messenger Icon

  • You can write your message and click on “Send Message

Send Message

  • The more subscribers you have, the longer it might take to send the message to all of them.

If you want to try this extension out, the risk is way too high. Since it is against YouTube policy, your account has a higher chance of getting suspended as the platform will detect it as a spam account.

By all means, we don’t recommend this method at all.

We’ve created an article about posting a message on subscribers’ channel feeds, that’s one of the easiest and quickest ways to get your message seen by a number of subscribers.

Check it out here: How to Post Messages to Youtube Subscribers.

Send a Personal Message Using Business Inquiry Emails

YouTube used to have an in-app messaging feature that allows content creators to send out personal messages to other users in the mobile app.

But, since September 2019, that feature has been shut down. The reason is more likely due to its under-utilization as users prefer to use instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and more.

That said, YouTube still allows you to send private messages to other YouTube users using business inquiry emails. This feature is visible to Desktop users only.

The drawback here is that the subscriber you want to send a message to doesn’t always provide a business email to their channel. That’s why you can only message the users that include an email on their channel.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  • Go to the user’s YouTube channel if you want to send a message.
  • Select the About tab of their channel.

About Tab

  • Scroll down until you find “Details.” If they provide a business inquiry email, you can select “View Email Address.”

View Email Address

  • The business email will appear as soon as you click on it. If you don’t see a business inquiry email, that means the user didn’t provide one.

Email Shown

  • Use email to send a personal message to the channel and build one-to-one relationships.

You can also add your business email so your fellow users can contact you quickly. Here’s how to do it:

  • Sign in to your YouTube account.
  • Select your profile picture and go to Your Channel.
  • Select Customize Channel, then click on the About tab.
  • Under “Details,” add your email address “For business inquiries.”

Highlight Call-to-Actions In the Intro Using Animation Clips

YouTube continually tries to minimize spam, misleading metadata, and scams by removing some features that might cause it, including a messaging feature.

This video-sharing platform has also been focusing on the features and tools that matter most to its users. Clearly, messaging is not a priority.

That’s why sending a direct message on YouTube is no longer the most straightforward task.

But, you can deliver and communicate your message much more effortlessly and captivatingly using an animated intro on your videos. Take a look at a stellar example below:

youtube animation: subscribed!

Creating an animated intro will not only help you to deliver your message but also catch the viewer’s eyes from the first few seconds. It is safe to say that it plays a significant role in scoring new subscribers.

Here are quick tips you can consider while creating an animated videos intro to get your message well-delivered:

  • You can use simple animation like motion graphics or cartoon characters to deliver your core message and highlight call-to-actions.
  • Try to create slick buttons that encourage the viewers to give a like, leave a comment, share, and subscribe to your channel.
  • Keep it under 10 seconds, just enough time to deliver your message.

Bonus Tactic: Go Beyond YouTube

YouTube is the biggest video-sharing platform right now. Every savvy video marketer out there agrees.

But don’t think that other platforms can’t help you to expand your audience.

Sites like Vimeo, DailyMotion, and even Facebook rack up a great number of video views every month. Go ahead and check out our review of the best YouTube alternatives to see more options.

Take action:

  • Set yourself a realistic subscriber goal. Your key focus should be to slowly build a channel over time; aiming too high will get you discouraged.
  • Add two annotations to your next video.
  • Add a widget to your blog/website that connects to your YouTube channel; it will work great for web visitors who don’t know that you also provide this service.
  • Create a reward for your subscribers when you reach your goal. It will make them feel like they’re part of the process and will also boost loyalty.
  • Connect with other YouTubers to be listed on their Featured channels to get some free exposure.
  • Check out the type of content that works for other YouTubers. This will give you a close insight into viewers’ needs and wants.
  • Spend 15 minutes a day interacting with the YouTube community. This will help increase engagement and people who are coming to your channel will be more inclined to subscribe.


YouTube is already a major influencer for your online success in the future. The most relevant data for YouTube marketing is the number of subscribers you have. After all, YouTube is a community-based network.

You need to implement particular elements that will encourage users to subscribe to your channel and become loyal YouTube subscribers.

Hopefully, this article can help you with that, and ultimately assist you to grow your business.

How many new subscribers have you had this month?

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