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Explainer Videos for Blockchain Companies

The blockchain industry is full of jargon. A digestible format is crucial to ensure that even mainstream audiences understand what blockchain providers say.

The Right Tools for The Right Tasks

Explainer Videos  The Right Tools

Break Down Complex Ideas

Explainer videos are well-known for their ability to turn abstract, complex topics into more digestible information. It makes it much easier for audiences with different levels of knowledge to understand what a blockchain provider has to offer. It helps you appeal to more audiences.

Explainer Videos - The Right Tools (2)

Grab and Keep Viewers' Attention

No matter how revolutionary your blockchain idea is, it'll be difficult to keep viewers interested if there's no context or explanation for why it exists. A 2-minute explainer video can be the difference between a new viewer tuning in or hitting the back button before the video has even started.

How You Can Use It? App Demo Videos

It’s a constant struggle for blockchain companies to make sure they get their messages across without sounding too techy, which can overwhelm their audiences. Combining both stunning visuals and audio elements makes it much easier for audiences to retain the message and understand how a blockchain solution actually works.

Benefits of Using Explainer Videos for Blockchain Companies

Tell a Story that Resonates

While technical terms and jargon are unavoidable in the blockchain industry, you don't have to rely on them to get your point across. A good story will resonate with viewers and leave a lasting impression long after the video is over.

Build Trust and Credibility

When done right, explainer videos can help build trust and credibility for your blockchain company. They show that you’re an authority in your field and that you’re serious about your business.

Benefits of Explainer Videos

A Versatile Format

Explainer videos can be used in a variety of marketing channels, from your website and social media to email marketing and paid advertising. It only takes a few clicks to share an explainer video on your digital channels.

Stand Out From the Competition

There are a lot of blockchain companies out there vying for attention. An explainer video can help your company stand out from the rest by utilizing an eye-catching animation style or story-driven narration.

Benefits of Explainer Videos

Improve SEO

A strong explainer video can help your blockchain company rank on the first page of search engines for relevant keywords. The more visible your company is, the more likely you are to attract new customers and clients.

Increase Conversions and ROI

It's one thing to get viewers to watch your video, but it's another to get them to take action. With a well-made explainer video, you can guide viewers toward your desired action while increasing your conversion rate and ROI.

Interested in producing a video?

Send us a message and we'll get back to you soon!