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Employee Onboarding Videos for Online Learning Companies

A video that communicates company culture, benefits and perks, and company history helps new hires provide the best learning experience from the get-go.

The Right Tools for The Right Tasks

Employee Onboarding Videos

Help Employees Understand the Online Learning Service

Before employees can start using an online learning service, they need to understand what it is and how it works. Employee onboarding videos can help by providing a high-level overview of the service, its features, and how it can be used to improve job performance.

Employee Onboarding Videos

Get Employees Excited about Providing the Service

Once employees understand the basics of the online learning service, it’s important to get them excited about providing it to learners. Employee onboarding videos can help by showcasing the benefits of the service and how it can help employees improve their skills and knowledge.

How You Can Use It? App Demo Videos

No more handouts and endless 1:1 in-person training that can cost big. Providing employee onboarding videos helps new hires in your online learning company settle on their new job quicker and less overwhelming. This format is accessible and shareable, helping employees to learn at their own pace.

Benefits of Using Employee Onboarding Videos for Online Learning Companies

Show New Hires the Specifics of the Service

Employee onboarding videos can help by providing step-by-step instructions on how to use the service. This includes how to access the service, how to navigate the interface, and how to use the features.

Introduce Employees to the Online Learning Community

Employee onboarding videos can help by showcasing the benefits of the community and how to get the most out of it. This includes other users of the service, experts who can provide guidance, and potential mentors.

Benefits of Employee Onboarding Videos

Help Employees Set Learning Goals

Before employees can set learning goals, they need to understand how to do so. Employee onboarding videos can help by providing guidance on how to set goals and how to use the service to achieve them.

Provide Better Learning Service

Well-informed employees are key to a successful online learning experience. Employee onboarding videos make sure every employee understands their responsibility and how to cater to learners’ needs.

Benefits of Employee Onboarding Videos

Help Employees Create a Learning Plan

Once employees understand the importance of continuous learning, it’s time to help them create a learning plan for learners. This includes choosing the right courses, setting a schedule, and tracking progress.

Introduce Employees to the Learning Management System

If you’re using a learning management system (LMS), it’s important to introduce employees to the system and how it works. Employee onboarding videos can turn complex introductions into digestible information.

Interested in producing a video?

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